2025 TCDIP 1L Clerkship Employer Best Practices Panel
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TCDIP’s mission is to help our Members attract, recruit, advance, and retain attorneys of color in the Twin Cities. In this post, we highlight the “advance and retain” part [...]
In Fall 2024, TCDIP worked with the Stress and Resilience Institute to develop a study and understand how the current state of well-being for attorneys of color and the impact [...]
Take a look at our 2023 Annual Report to learn more about our programs and initiatives! See below for a full list of everyone involved with TCDIP in 2023, [...]
TCDIP’s mission is to help our Members attract, recruit, advance, and retain attorneys of color in the Twin Cities. In this post, we highlight the “advance and retain” part [...]
Congratulations to the Leftover Litigators for getting the highest score in the first round of scoring for TCDIP Connect! TCDIP Connect is a guided 7-month small-group mentoring program that purposefully [...]
Take a look at our 2022 Annual Report to learn more about our programs and initiatives! See below for a full list of everyone involved with TCDIP in 2022, [...]
TCDIP’s mission is to help our Members attract, recruit, advance, and retain attorneys of color in the Twin Cities. In this post, we highlight the “advance and retain” part of [...]
February 1, 2023 Tyre Nichols should be alive today. Instead, his family is laying him to rest. We are again reeling from the tragic aftermath of a police-involved death of [...]
In Fall 2022, TCDIP designed a study to understand the barriers faced by employers in retaining attorneys of color in the Twin Cities, with the end goal of sharing key [...]