Minnesota Minority Recruitment Conference
Twin Cities Diversity in Practice (TCDIP) is a nonprofit association of leading Twin Cities legal employers with a single mission: to attract, recruit, advance, and retain attorneys of color in and around the Twin Cities. For over 15 years, TCDIP has sponsored the Minnesota Minority Recruitment Conference (MMRC) designed to connect legal employers in the Twin Cities metro area with diverse 2L and 3L student candidates from around the country.
Our next Minnesota Minority Recruitment Conference is August 2, 2024.
Employer registration is open from April 29 – May 29. Employers can register today in 12Twenty!
Student applications are accepted between June 6 – July 5. All registered students will receive the link to apply via 12Twenty. Email lniemer@diversityinpractice.org for late registration.
What is MMRC?
MMRC is where Twin Cities legal employers interview students of color for summer associate or post-graduation employment. The main event is a full day of formal interviews. All employers are invited to participate, including small, medium, and large firms; corporate law departments; and public interest, nonprofit, and government entities. Employers are not required to be a member of TCDIP to participate in MMRC.
TCDIP promotes MMRC to law schools and student affinity groups across the country. TCDIP encourages law students from across the country to apply, especially 2L and 3L students from historically underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds. Anyone can participate in MMRC and there is no prohibition based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and other characteristics. Students and employers are matched through a pre-selection process. If you have any additional questions, please contact us.
The conference organizers are committed to a policy against discrimination in employment based upon age, sex, race, religious belief, ability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or national origin.
MMRC Resume Review
Want to know what working attorneys and recruiting professionals look for in a resume? Interested in feedback tailored for your resume? This year we’re inviting law students to participate in our MMRC Resume Review Program. TCDIP’s Resume Review is a great opportunity for law students of color participating in MMRC to receive tailored feedback on your resume from attorneys and legal recruiting professionals. Students and attorneys: use this link to sign up for resume review!
Important Dates:
May 5 – June 6: Student registration is open to register for both MMRC and Resume Review. Remember: If you want to participate in MMRC and Resume Review, you need to complete two separate registrations.
June 6 – July 5: Students complete their registration with 12Twenty, review open positions, and submit materials to employers. MMRC uses the 12Twenty platform. All students who register will receive an email with more information about how to create a 12Twenty account and submit applications.
May 29 – June 11: Resume feedback from volunteers for those participating in resume review.
July 8 – 12: Employers select interview candidates and alternates. During this time, employers can see the application materials of all students who applied for their job posting. Employers select 14 candidates for a full day (or 7 for a half day) and at least an equal number of alternates (14 for a full day, 7 for a half day).
July 16 – 22: Students review employer selections and accept or decline interview and alternate spots in 12Twenty. Students will be allowed to accept a maximum of 10 interview spots. If a student declines an interview slot, that slot will be offered to an alternate candidate from the employer’s list.
July 29: Interview schedules announced
August 2: MMRC Interview Day! Virtual interviews will take place using the video conferencing links provided by employers. Each interview is 20 minutes long with 10-minute breaks between interviews. MMRC starts off with a welcome session at 8:30 am. There is a lunch break from 12:20 pm to 1:30 pm.