News and Updates
Check out our recent newsletters, attorney spotlights,
interviews with TCDIP members, and more!
Help students polish resumes and pre-register for our Summer Alliance!
5/19/2021 Check out upcoming TCDIP programs and events! Please share this email within your organization. June 9, 12:00 PM: WILD Conversations: Addressing Systemic Racism in Education Join us [...]
MMRC 2021: Registration Guide
We are looking forward to this year’s Minnesota Minority Recruitment Conference on Friday, August 6, 2021. Employer registration is currently open! What is MMRC? Twin Cities Diversity in Practice (TCDIP) [...]
Planning for the Unexpected and Spotlight on our Assistant Board Secretary!
5/5/2021 Check out upcoming TCDIP programs and events! Please share this email within your organization. May 11, 9:00 AM Sharing Best Practices: How Organizations can Create a Response Plan [...]
TCDIP Board Officer Spotlight: Demetria Dyer
Welcome to our incoming Assistant Secretary, Demetria Dyer! Read more about why Demetria got involved with TCDIP below. Why did you first get involved with TCDIP? I got involved with TCDIP [...]
Incoming Board Director Spotlight and Upcoming TCDIP Events!
4/27/2021 Check out upcoming TCDIP programs and events! Please share this email within your organization. Returning to a new normal - we want to hear from you! Our committee [...]
Spotlight on Tom Pack, Incoming TCDIP Board Director!
Meet Tom Pack, one of our incoming 2021 Board Directors! We chatted with Tom to hear more about why he's involved with Twin Cities Diversity in Practice. Why did you first [...]